All the efforts of hours of volunteer work has resulted in the best glazing opportunities for the next several weeks. We are now pretty much up to the inventory levels we were targeting for the Empty Bowl sale the week before Thanksgiving. Your generous hard work, creativity and energy has us coming into the home stretch of glazing all our pieces.

The next three Sundays: October 8th, 15th, and 22nd will be dedicated to finishing up everything that has accumulated over the last couple of months. We have about 200 pieces that need some TLC glazing and decorating to complete the inventory. Please join us on these Sundays from 1pm to 5pm for this last push of effort to make our Empty Bowl sale the best ever – again. We will have experienced glazers on hand to help with the process. Come on in and learn some different techniques or combinations of glazes. This is the last, and probably for most of us, the most challenging part of the process.

Let’s learn something together, have some fun, have some snacks and GET THIS DONE!!